Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA (Programming Series)
Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA (Programming Series)
By Brian Hochgurtel
* Publisher: Charles River Media
* Number Of Pages: 386
* Publication Date: 2003-03-11
* Sales Rank: 642775
* ISBN / ASIN: 1584502622
* EAN: 9781584502623
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Charles River Media
* Studio: Charles River Media Book Description:
As the need for application-to-application communication and platform interoperability continues to grow, Web service developers need to be skilled in the technologies and languages that make this communication possible. Web services provide a language and platform independent standard for creating and connecting code that allows software applications (remote objects) to communicate with each other and users, via a network or the Web. Rather than focus on one specific technology or language, Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# and Java teaches how to integrate the various technologies of Web services using the two languages expected to dominate this growing area.
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Monday, May 14, 2007
C# 2005 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
By Stephen Randy Davis, Chuck Sphar,
- Publisher: For Dummies
- Number Of Pages: 432
- Publication Date: 2005-10-31
- Sales Rank: 50821
- ISBN / ASIN: 0764597043
- EAN: 9780764597046
- Binding: Paperback
- Manufacturer: For Dummies
- Studio: For Dummies
- C# is Microsoft's object-oriented programming language designed for improving productivity in the development of Web applications
- Fully revised for C# 2005, this book begins with creating a C# program, then moves into C# and object-oriented programming fundamentals, Windows programming with C# and Visual Studio, and debugging and error handling
- A friendly, conversational approach to understanding C# is certain to get readers quickly creating applications
- The CD-ROM contains all the sample code in the book as well as bonus materials
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code
Publisher: Apress
Number Of Pages: 819
Publication Date: 2004-05-17
Sales Rank: 319988
ISBN / ASIN: 159059360X
EAN: 9781590593608
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Apress
Studio: Apress Book Description:
Learning to design objects effectively with C# is the goal ofBeginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code - a comprehensive yet approachable guide to object oriented programming using UML and today's hottest programming language, which is C#.This book is a guide for anyone wanting to learn the C# language, beginning with the basics. It offers example case studies for those already familiar with C# that may prove useful. Presents object terminology and concepts, how to think in terms of objects, an introduction of object modeling, translating an object model into C#, and more. This book is written with programmers and also programming tutorials in mind, and is a natural candidate for academic selection for the teaching of C# and principled object-oriented programming.
Time and again, software developers have attempted to master an OO programming language like Java by taking a course in Java, or by reading a book in Java, or by acquiring and using a Java integrated development environment (IDE) tool such as Forte, or Visual Café, or JBuilder, or Power J, or Kawa. However, there is something fundamentally missing: a basic understanding of what objects are all about, and more importantly, knowledge of how to structure a software application from the ground up to make the most of objects.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
C# Primer: A Practical Approach
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Good C# introduction for experienced programmers
Lippman’s C# Primer assumes that the reader knows C++ or Java. It does not cover basic language constructs so it is not a good choice as a first C# book for people that have not programmed before. The first four chapters include many good insights into the C# language from a professional programmer’s point of view. These are hard to find in other texts and make this book worthwhile. A future edition should concentrate on including more language insights and less on WinForms or ASP.NET specifics that are covered better on other texts. Probably some basics should be included to expand its appeal to new programmers.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Accelerated C# 2005
- Publisher: Apress
- Number Of Pages: 432
- Publication Date: 2006-08-25
- Sales Rank: 37999
- ISBN / ASIN: 1590597176
- EAN: 9781590597170
- Binding: Paperback
- Manufacturer: Apress
Accelerated C# 2005 teaches you both how to use core C# language concepts and wisely employ C# idioms and object-oriented design patternsto exploit the power of C# and the common language runtime. Youll quickly master C# syntax while learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks. Youll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable, and robust.
This book is the fastest path to C# mastery for anyone familiar with object-oriented programming. Many books introduce C#, but very few also explain how to use it optimally with the .NET CLR. Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to design and code C#, when this book will show you how to do things the right way, right from the start?
Youll want a copy of this book because it
- Covers all new features of C# 2.0
- Describes and explains C# idioms and design patterns
- Presents canonical forms for C# classes and structs
- Quickly leads to true understanding and mastery of C#
- Demonstrates bullet-proof, exception-safe code and efficient multithreaded applications
Friday, April 20, 2007
Inside C#, Second Edition
Aimed at those with some previous programming experience, Inside C# shows developers the unique strengths, advantages, and tips for coding with C#. This fast-paced and in-depth tutorial will let you use Microsoft's newest programming language on the emerging .NET platform successfully.The outstanding strength of this text is its in-depth language tutorial on C#, with complete coverage of basic and advanced object-oriented programming techniques. New language features like properties, indexers, and attributes get full coverage, alongside the basics of using classes and inheritance. The book relies on using Visual Studio 6.0 and the command-line .NET tools for running programs. (Visual Studio.NET, the next version of Visual Studio, was unavailable when the book was written.) First to market with an in-depth language tutorial, the focus of Inside C# is on basic and advanced language features. By viewing generated code (using the ILDASM disassembler tool), the author examines how class design features work under the hood. The language tutorial digs into features, beginning with a "Hello, World" program and delving into class design features before moving on to more basic features like expressions, operators, and flow control. This sequence makes the book best suited to the experienced developer, since some excellent in-depth material on the most advanced features of C# is presented before the basics of the language. Throughout, you'll learn the newest features of the language, how to use it, and a sense of its personality.There's also plenty of material on the underlying Microsoft .NET platform, from the basics of the Common Language Runtime (CLR) to assemblies (used to deploy .NET applications), plus getting older COM components to interoperate with the newer .NET standard. For anyone who's programmed before and wants to learn C# quickly, this in-depth guide anchored with plenty of short, effective examples provides what you need. Inside C# shows off the unique strengths of this new and exciting language and provides a solid introduction to the .NET platform. --Richard DraganTopics covered: — Introduction to C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework — Tutorial for object-oriented programming — A "Hello, World" program in C# — Command-line .NET tools (including the C# compiler and the ILDASM disassembler) — C# types — Boxing and unboxing variables — In-depth guide to C# class design (including members and methods, constructors, constants and read-only fields, garbage collection, and inheritance) — Method overloading — Virtual and static methods — Properties — Arrays — Indexers — Attributes — Interfaces (declaring and implementing interfaces, plus interfaces combined with inheritance) — Expressions and operators in C# (including operator precedence) — Program flow control — Exception handling classes and techniques — Operator overloading — Delegates and event handlers — Multithreaded programming techniques (including thread safety and synchronization) — C# reflection and metadata — Using unmanaged code and pointers from within C# — COM interoperability — Assemblies and deployment in C#
Programming C#, Third Edition
Expert C# 2005 Business Objects, Second Edition
This book is a translation of Lhotka's industry-standard title, Visual Basic.NET Business Objects, into the language of C#. Rockford Lhotka's ideas continue to be extremely influential in all programmer circles of any language, but most naturally it will be C# developers over the next couple of years at least who will most likely be involved in the kinds of programming projects and architectures that Lhotka discusses. This book will benefit you! Therefore, while the VB.NET book proves its punch, the new C# version will find a more natural audience than the VB version.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
C# Threading Handbook
Programming Windows Workflow Foundation: Practical WF Techniques and Examples using XAML and C#
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Number Of Pages: 300
Publication Date: 2006-12-22
Sales Rank: 27853
ISBN / ASIN: 1904811213
EAN: 9781904811213
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Packt Publishing
Studio: Packt Publishing
A fast-paced and practical developer's road map to working with Windows WF, from compilation to the base activity library to runtime services. Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a technology for defining, executing, and managing workflows. It is part of the .NET Framework 3.0 and will be available natively in the Windows Vista operating system. Windows Workflow Foundation might be the most significant piece of middleware to arrive on the Windows platform since COM+ and the Distributed Transaction Coordinator. The difference is, not every application needs a distributed transaction, but nearly every application does have a workflow encoded inside it. In this book, K Scott Allen, author of renowned .NET articles at, provides you with all the information needed to develop successful products with Windows Workflow. From the basics of how Windows Workflow can solve the difficult problems inherent in workflow solutions, through authoring workflows in code, learning about the base activity library in Windows Workflow and the different types of workflow provided, and on to building event-driven workflows using state machines, workflow communications, and finally rules and conditions in Windows Workflow, this book will give you the in-depth information you need. Throughout the book, an example "bug reporting" workflow system is developed, showcasing the technology and techniques used. Fast-paced and to-the-point, this book takes you through the important topics of Windows WF development with clear explanations and practical example code. The book's selection of topics is driven by what the working developer needs to know. It is neither a comprehensive reference to the whole WF architecture, nor a strategy guide to the complete application development lifecycle. It's just what you as a C# developer need to know to use WF in your applications. This book is for .NET developers who want to enhance their applications with flexible workflow capabilities using Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation. The author assumes that you have read other texts on the overall architecture of WF and on WF application design strategies, and instead focuses on real-work implementation issues for C# developers.
C# 2.0 : The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Number Of Pages: 890
Publication Date: 2005-12-08
Sales Rank: 182480
ISBN / ASIN: 0072262095
EAN: 9780072262094
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Studio: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
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